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Unveiling of New Urine Depot

The new urine depot is open! We have officially moved the urine depot out of Kim and Mike’s garage and are now at 116 Birge Street in Brattleboro. Located behind the historic old Estey Organ Company building the new depot is in a central location in the heart of town. Although, this is a drive from our Research Center we wanted to make sure to maintain a convenient location for our urine donors. We are grateful to the building’s owner, Barbara George for making this possible.
The new urine depot is outfitted with a new “smart pump” built by the Rich Earth team with funding support from the Thomas Thompson Trust. This pump is significantly faster than the old. A special thanks to Konrad Scheltema from our research team and our recent intern Sean Jacobs, from the University of Dayton, who worked diligently to ensure the pump would work properly and in time for our ribbon-cutting event.
The ribbon-cutting and unveiling was well attended by board members, urine donors, town employees, and a myriad of other supporters. Cutting the ribbon was our board chair, John Hatton, along with Hannah O’Connell from the Brattleboro Department of Public Works and Chris Campany from the Windham Regional Commisssion.
The urine nutrient reclamation project is scaling our efforts with this new depot, new equipment on the farms and our presence each Saturday at the Brattleboro Area Farmer’s Market. Our goal is to double the amount of urine nutrients we are capturing and returning to soils to 10,000 gallons by the end of 2017. To get involved, please email us at