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Strolling of the Heifers 2017

On a rainy Wednesday evening in late May the Rich Earth staff, urine donors, and friends gathered at our new Research Center for a sign making party and open house. We worked for four hours painting signs to convey our mission and activities here at the Rich Earth Institute. A series of signs illustrated the process of “closing the food nutrient cycle” with corn, a cow, a hand on a glass of milk, a toilet, and the words sanitize and fertilize. We also made signs such as, “funded by the National Science Foundation” and “NPK don’t flush us away”.
It was a delight to have our community members help us make signs while enjoying a bit to eat and drink. Fostering community connections is vital to what we do in addition to creating a sustainable, locally produced fertilizer. Our evening together culminated with a rainbow right outside the Research Center.
A few days later more urine donors and friends joined us as we paraded our signs down Main Street in Brattleboro for the Strolling of the Heifers. Our chant leaders coaxed the crowd saying, “give me a P” and “we’re number one”. Of course, our parade wouldn’t be complete without Kim and Mike walking together and carrying a pitchfork.
A big thank you to everyone who painted signs and strolled with us!