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Peecycling Urinal at Hermit Thrush Brewery

Rich Earth team members pose with the Hermit Thrush urine collection tank. Left to right: Jed Blume, Arthur Davis, Bradley Kennedy, Julia Cavicchi, Gretchen Saveson
Next time ur-ine Brattleboro, take a leak at the Hermit Thrush brewery! Grab yourself one of their delicious sour beers and once you’ve got to “go”, check out the bathroom where our peecycling urinal is now open for business. This urinal is our first peecycling station in a public business in Brattleboro, and joins a urine-diverting toilet in Westminster West library in our growing cohort of local installations.
We recently celebrated the first 100 gallons collected via this urinal at the storage tank in the basement!
Why only a urinal? While there are urine-diverting toilets available on the market, we are currently only permitted by the Vermont Plumbing Board to install urinals in public bathrooms. There is R & D underway for the technology and regulations that will allow for public installations of urine-diverting toilets. In the meantime, Personal Urination Devices such as the pStyle can allow women, non-binary folks, and trans men to stand and pee – and collect their nutrients in urinals such as this one.
Rich Earth is eager to install more urine-diverting fixtures in area businesses – contact for more information.