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Partner Update: International Plumbing Code (Mathew Lippincott)

The Recode Model Code, a public domain code for ecological sanitation, continues to advance into the predominant North American plumbing codes. In December, Model Code contributors reconvened to revise and update the Model Code, drawing on lessons learned and international standards.
In April, Mathew Lippincott (ASSET), Gary Klein (Klein Associates), and Bryan Horsley (MASSTC) testified in defense of two proposals derived from the Recode Model Code. A proposal (P161-24) to add the urine diversion portion into an appendix to the International Plumbing Code (IPC) was approved by the committee with a vote of 10 to 4. A separate proposal (PSD1-24) to add the composting toilet portion to the International Private Sewage Disposal Code’s (IPSDC) chapter on composting toilets, which currently only allows NSF 41 certified models, was rejected by a vote of 1 to 10. This composting toilet proposal was revised based on committee comments and we will try again at the second committee hearing in October. Proposals still have to garner a simple majority vote from ICC members (who must be public officials) in order to be passed; however, it is rare for proposals approved by the committee to be rejected.
The Recode Model Code was incorporated into the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Water Efficiency Standard (WE Stand) in 2017 and revised in 2020 and 2023. In May, Pat Lando (Recode) advocated for inclusion of WE Stand 2023 in the 2027 Uniform Plumbing Code. This proposal was rejected. It will be revised during the public comment period for reconsideration in May 2025.
For more info on adoption of ICC codes, see their adoption map.