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Open House and Global Urine Research Summit

Community members are invited to experience the future of ecological sanitation firsthand at an open house, as part of the Rich Earth Institute’s three day Global Summit.
The open house is an opportunity for members of the public to learn about urine nutrient reclamation, meet Rich Earth staff, and tour the Institute’s processing facility.
WHERE: 355 Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301
WHEN: Tuesday, November 1
SCHEDULE: Rolling Tours: 8 am – 11:30 am
Summit Keynote & Discussion: 12 pm – 1:30 pm
(Light refreshments will be served)
Tours will see Rich Earth’s laboratory, demonstration garden, urine transport truck, treatment technologies, and a “toilet museum” of urine-diverting and composting toilets. Other activities at the open house will include tastings of Rich Earth’s demonstration garden harvest and opportunities to trial and purchase urine fertilizer collection devices.
At 12 pm, the Rich Earth Urine Reclamation Summit will begin with a keynote titled Pipe Dream to Mainstream: Reporting on the Urine Revolution from Chelsea Wald, who will be presenting remotely from the Netherlands. Science journalist Chelsea Wald is the author of the book Pipe Dreams: The Urgent Global Quest to Transform the Toilet (Avid Reader Press/Simon & Schuster, 2021) and the Nature feature The urine revolution: how recycling pee could help to save the world (2022). Chelsea’s keynote presentation and discussion will be streamed at the Research Center.
The Urine Reclamation Summit will continue November 2 – 3 with virtual presentations featuring speakers from around the world on topics including Progress in Technological Research, Implementation Projects, Community Knowledge & Social Change, Urine Diversion Tools, and Impacts & Decision-Making Tools.
The goal of the event is to help people learn more about the work of the Rich Earth Institute, the broader field of ecological sanitation, and to encourage the adoption of peecycling at home and on a community scale.