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“No Innovation Without Representation”

The peecycling paradigm shift we dream of is only possible because of you. Not just your bodily nutrients, but also your questions and ideas! At Rich Earth, we believe that the people who will be affected by new systems should be involved in their design. Through our social science research, we hope to gather a wide range of perspectives to inform how we go about integrating the ancient practice of fertilizing with urine into our communities today.
One of the key methods for this kind of inclusive innovation is hosting dialogue groups: gatherings of people with different experiences that encourage the sharing of knowledge and foster transformative interactions. For example, municipal planners may have very different ideas then architects; retailers may not fully understand farmers’ concerns; or residents in Long Island may not realize how they are connected to peecyclers in Vermont.
Read all about it in Rich Earth’s first peer review social science article: Leveraging integrative research for inclusive innovation: urine diversion and re-use in agriculture.