The Places We Go: Implementation Projects Around the World

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View key comments from the Zoom chat here.

Presentation of Toopi Organics: innovation and deployment program
Julien Saludas is R&D Director of Toopi organics. He is an agronomist, graduated from the Engineering School of Agronomy of Toulouse (INP-ENSAT).

Large-scale production of urine diverters for a household container-based sanitation service in Haiti
Jess Laporte is a member of the Research & Innovation Team at SOIL. Originally from Vermont, Jess has worked at the intersection of public health and social enterprise in Haiti since 2014 from clean water, to women’s health in the garment industry and eventually ecological sanitation with SOIL. Jess also holds a variety of roles in community-based, grassroots networks for Black, Indigenous and other people of color in Vermont and with Konbit Soley Leve in Haiti.

Decentralized Wastewater Treatment for a Green Future
Sybrand Metz
is the technical director of Desah. He obtained his PhD at the university of Twente in 2003 on membrane science. After that he was senior scientific program manager at Wetsus, European centre of excellence of sustainable water technology till 2016. From 2014 – 2019 he was CTO at Metalmembranes and since December 2019 technical director of Desah.

Rich Earth Tools, LLC: Innovative technologies for capturing nutrients from source separated urine or blackwater
Kim Nace is the co-founder of Rich Earth Institute, and CEO of Rich Earth Tools, LLC. Creating circular water and nutrient cycles from human sanitary waste should be low hanging fruit, as we humans attempt to live within the boundaries of our eco-sphere.  At Rich Earth, we recognize the need for new, efficient methods that capture and process high strength wastewater to better manage our precious, critical resources. In this presentation, Rich Earth Institute announces a new spin-off, Rich Earth Tools, LLC to bring a building scale treatment package to market.

Opportunities and Challenges of Installing a Urine-Diverting Toilet at the University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Kevin Orner joined the faculty of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at West Virginia after working for two years as a postdoctoral researcher in environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Orner served for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Panama and was awarded a Fulbright Research grant in 2018.

Urine diversion and utilization in a populous urban setting
A retired family physician, Ole Ersson is co founder of Kailash Ecovillage, a sustainably focused intentional community. He has had an ongoing interest in ecological sanitation and published the Kailash Ecovillage project in the journal Blue Green Systems.

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